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Frequently Asked Questions


Do you have any doubts?
Read the answers to my clients’ FAQ.

Is it always appropriate to invest?

Part of my job is to help clients understand when it is suitable for them to invest: at times, the financial market’s performance may not align with the investor’s profile and objectives. Careful analysis and ongoing market monitoring allow me to promptly develop concrete solutions suitable for the client.

Which financial instrument do you recommend?

The perfect financial instrument, capable of meeting all needs and adapting to all situations, does not exist: proper investment planning requires case-by-case analysis. Often, the optimal solution that allows achieving the client’s goals comes from a strategic combination of different tools.

Do I need to change banks to benefit from your consultation?

Absolutely not, changing banks is not mandatory. However, I might evaluate with the client the migration to an alternative credit institution if it proves to be more solid and advantageous regarding financial investments and applied costs.

How is an independent financial advisor compensated?

My financial consulting services are compensated through an annual fee that varies based on the complexity of the investment plan defined together with the client. This fee represents my only source of income: I have no commercial agreements with banks, financial intermediaries, or investment firms.

Why should I turn to an independent advisor when the bank offers free advice?

The advice offered by the bank’s representative or financial promoter seems free: in reality, the client pays high commissions for the received advice, often without realizing it. The commercial pressures and economic incentives that push the bank’s representative and financial promoter to ignore the real needs of the client and to sell the products for which they receive higher commissions must also be considered. My independent and transparent consultancy allows the client to significantly reduce the overall costs associated with managing their wealth and financial portfolio.

Do I need a minimum capital to use your consultancy?

A minimum investment capital is not required. However, the economic impact of my fee on the client’s financial portfolio is evaluated case by case with clarity and honesty.

How can I verify your competencies?

My solid experience in the financial and banking sector began in 1998 with my registration in the register of financial advisors authorized for off-premises offerings (formerly financial promoters). Throughout my personal and professional growth, in addition to the annual training certificates required by the law, I have earned a Master’s Degree in Technical Analysis and an Executive Master in Consulting and Estate Planning. I’m currently registered in the register of independent financial advisors – with OCF Resolution No. 2425 dated 19/03/2024 – which supervises my actions to ensure that I maintain the standards of integrity and professionalism.

Does the independent financial advisor conduct operations on the client’s assets?

To guarantee my impartiality and safeguard my autonomy, I do not take possession of the client’s money nor have access to their bank account or securities account. As a freelance professional, I offer solely my consultancy: I let the client themselves manage the agreed investment project. However, if requested, I could assist them during the buying and selling operations to be carried out and liaise with their credit institution’s representative.

Once the contract is signed, how do you manage the relationship with the client?

I am always available. We can discuss in person, by phone, and via email: it is crucial for me to connect with the client to develop a strategy focused on their needs and ambitions, to enrich their financial culture and make them fully aware of the investment choices made. At predetermined intervals – or when necessary – I share with the client a detailed report to update them on their overall, financial, and estate situation.

Do you offer remote independent financial consulting?

Certainly, as an independent financial consultant, I operate nationwide. I utilize sophisticated software that enables me to provide financial consulting and planning services remotely too, online, and in encrypted environments to ensure maximum privacy and data protection.

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