Author Profile

Valentina Fabiano
Certified Public Accountant registered with the Order of Certified Public Accountants and Accounting Experts of Rome.
Legal Auditor registered in the register of legal auditors established with the Ministry of Economy and Finance.
Specialist in tax matters and the non-profit sector.
Member of the Commission for Associations and Sports Clubs (amateur) at the Order of Certified Public Accountants and Accounting Experts of Rome.
Auditor in the field of European project design.
Lecturer in the Advanced Training Course in the Administration of Ecclesiastical and Religious Entities at the Lateran Center for Advanced Studies of the Pontifical Lateran University.
Speaker at seminars organized by the Order of Certified Public Accountants of Rome on matters related to non-profit entities, particularly amateur associations and sports clubs.
Master’s Specialization in European Project Design and Business Internationalization at SIOI (Italian Society for International Organization).
Main topics: Operation of European Institutions and main policies of the European Union; Techniques for drafting, managing, and planning projects funded by the European Union; Business policy and business internationalization processes.